Monday, March 14, 2011

The Journey Begins: Day 1

Today is the first the day of my cleanse. My fiance and I had a rough morning. I didn't sleep very well last night; I believe this is mainly due to my excitement and anxiousness about the next ten days! I did manage to peel myself out of bed this morning though (the time change has certainly made this an even more difficult task than normal).

First thing, we began making our daily allotment of the lemonade mixture. All tallied, we used 14 bottles of water, 7 lemons, 24 ounces of organic Grade B maple syrup, and a teaspoon of cayenne pepper. My fiance, in all his morning wisdom, suggested we pour the mixture back into the bottles in order to make transport and tracking more easier; he's a genius that way. He handled the redistribution of liquids while I made our morning detox tea. His job went fairly easy. I, however, set my tea bag on fire accidentally, when I let it lull to closely to the open flame of our gas burner. No one was injured though, and the tea bag was salvageable.

Once we were prepared, we sat down with our twin cups of organic detox tea and began the first sip. I believe Eric said it best when he described it as cutting open a branch and sucking on it for a while; there is a definite woodsy taste to the tea, but it is not terrible in taste. I have, at 11am, only drank one 9 oz bottle of the lemonade mixture though. It, too, is not terrible in taste. The lemon juice gives the water a kick while the maple syrup sweetens the deal just slightly. Much like the tea though, it is rather neutral on the scale of "Yummy ------to-------God Awful." It's neither good nor bad, which makes drinking it an odd sensation. I can't lie though, I held my nose more than once to chug it down faster. I hope that my taste buds become more acclamated to the taste of it as the days go on.

Well, that's the low down for right now. Eric plans to visit me at lunch where we'll walk our dog for the hour of my break and think about not eating. More blogging this evening! Stay tuned!

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